May 21, 2014

Introduction to MongoDB: The Complete Presentation

I had two great lectures regarding MongoDB and how to best utilize it in the last week. Therefore, I decided to share the presentation with you.

Key Presentation Topics
  1. MongoDB Background: Company, Customers and the roots of NoSQL
  2. Why more people are choosing MongoDB?
  3. Data Design for NoSQL
  4. MongoDB Installation
  5. Basic DDL and DML syntax
  6. MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, node.js)
  7. Best Practices for MongoDB migration

P.S Don't miss my Hebrew Big Data Webinar at July 7th, 2014

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan

May 13, 2014

6 Easy Steps to Configure MongoDB Replication Set

In this tutorial we'll create a 3 nodes cluster, where the first serves as a primary node, and second as a failover node and the third as an Arbiter

1. Setup Mongo and Set a Configuration File
In all the 3 servers adjust the configuration file /etc/mongod.conf:
#Select your replication set name
#Select the replication log size

Disable the bind_ip parameter to avoid binding to only interface

2. Restart All 3 mongod Daemons
> sudo service mongod restart

3. Create an Initial Configuration on the Primary
Login to the primary mongo and create an initial configuration. Please notice to use the private IP and not the loopback address (
> mongo
Primary> cfg = {"_id" : "[replication_set_name]", "members" : [{"_id" : 0,"host" : "[Primary_Host_IP]:27017"}]}
Primary> rs.initiate(cfg);

4. Add the Failover Instance to the Replication Set
Primary> rs.add("[Failover_Host_IP]:27017")

5. Add the Arbier Instance to the Replication Set
Primary> rs.addArb("[Arbiter_Host_IP]:27017")

6. Verify the Replication Set Status
Primary> rs.status()

Bottom Line
I wish every data cluster setup was as easy as a setup of a MongoDB replication set.

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan


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