Nov 29, 2021

How to Setup Your Development Environment for a MongoDB and .Net based Project

1. Get your MongoDB Atlas Replicaset 

2. Make sure you can access the MongoDB Atlas Replicaset using port 27017/TCP

3. Setup your desktop with the following as described in the embedded Loom:

 - Install MongoDB Compass on the desktop 

 - Install a coding environment with recent VS Code ready for .NET Core

Now when everything is ready, you start coding your project and enjoy the combined power of .NET Core and MongoDB

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan

How to Setup a Free MongoDB Atlas Replicaset

 Having a MongoDB Relicaset was always simple, but with MongoDB Atlas, it is simple than ever.

In this two sessions video we'll learn:

1. How to open a MongoDB Atlas account, create a project and a new cluster (Replicaset)

2. How to verify you can connect your Replicaset

Nov 21, 2021

How to Install MongoDB Communitry Edition 5.0.4 on Ubuntu 18.04

Well it is super simple, and you can actually try the MongoDB guide or my embedded video:

I used for this task a t2.medium AWS instance with 2 burstable cores, 4GB RAM and 8GB gp2 SSD disks.

Keep Performing,

Moshe Kaplan


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