Nov 16, 2020

MongoDB Review Checklist and Tools


  1. Analyze the mongostat results:
  2. And mongotop to see query highlight
  3. Enable slow queries: db.setProfilingLevel(1,50)
  4. Dex: to analyze slow queries:
  5. mtools to visualize the query usage
  6. System metrics: top and iostat


  1. Usage and location of the Replica Set instances
  2. Check system resources usage: CPU and disk IOPS
  3. Check network latency, bandwidth  and Application level Read Preference and Write Concern
  4. Check mongo instances usage (mongostat)
  5. Check top slow queries (mongotop, slow queries)
  6. Check queries and command usage using 
  7. Check backup strategy
  8. Check storage engine and MongoDB version
  9. Check monitoring tools


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