Mar 18, 2009

The eBay way


I received from Shachar Zehavi, our new director of R&D, a link to Chris Kasten's presentation regarding eBay

In this presentation Chris presents a simple but very clever solution to support 4 billion events per day on 25 commodity servers. Why instead of using complex in memory databases solutions? not using MySQL as the ultimate grid solution?

What are the key components in eBay solution:
1. In memory database: implementation using MySQL in memory engine
2. HA: implemented using MySQL replication between two different MySQL in memory databases
3. Persistence: implementation using batch process once in 5min. In this case the store is done using InnoDB one.
4. Scalability: can b achieved using horizontal sharding

The number described in this presentation (4 billion requests per day using 25 machines) remind me another presenation of Paul Strong, distinguished research scientist from eBay. This presensation at the IGT2008 - The World Summit of Cloud Computing described eBay numbers and challenges including: 150 Billion request per day which is about 200K requests per second, which is a remarkable number.

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan. RockeTier. The Performance Experts.

Mar 14, 2009

Interview: Crictor and the RockeTier 5 Steps Performance Boosting Methodology


A week ago Crictor published an interview with me regarding RockeTier 5 steps performance boosting methodology (Hebrew). The interview includes issues regarding our team, the methodology and our success stories.

Crictor is an online channel focused in the Israeli Hi Tech industry.

Keep Performing
Moshe Kaplan. RockeTier. The Performance Experts

Mar 9, 2009

Amazon Session Highlights

As you may read we participated last week in the AWS session hosted by the IGT and SUN.

Simone Brunozzi, Amazon Web Services Evangelist, was great and he gave several interesting notes including:
  1. Amazon will provide load balancing capability in the near future (you can avoid this issue right now using HAProxy, but it always great to get things out of the box).
  2. Amazon support availability zones: Amazon has several DCs in the US. Each availability zone is in another DC, so can provide multi site architecture in day 1.
  3. Amazon suffered for 12 hours downtime in the last 3 years. The longest was about 2 hours. This numbers are for intended and unintended downtime. It gives us about 99.95%, which a very remarkable number for such a scale and the given cost.

Simone presented the Animoto case study: "from 80 servers to 3500 in 3 days" as well.

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan. RockeTier. The Performance Experts.


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