Aug 19, 2014

Bringing Redis to an Enterprise Level Security

Little Security. Big Problems.
Redis is designed (as most early NoSQL products) as a product that should be used in secured environment (meaning little security measures are built in).

The only security measure Redis supports is authentication that is passed as clear text (definitely not a best security best practice).
UPDATE: Itamar Haber from RedisLabs referred me to an SSL communication encryption using stunnel or spiped

Big Problems. Great Solutions
If you love Redis (and w/ 60K Set and Get Ops/Sec on commodity hardware there is no reason you won't love it), and if you must have an enterprise grade solution, you can take one of the following approaches: 
  1. Implement a web layer in front of it (that can support SSL, encrypted authentication, logging and all other fancy stuff). A great example for this is Webdis with a built in solution. Off course, there is a performance penalty stick to the extra layer (and some issues as Redis still can be accessed directly).
  2. Save the data encrypted in Redis (encrypt data before the SET operation by the app servers, and decrypt it after the GET operation by consumers). This way, communication is not needed to be encrypted and hackers or malicious users can do little harm, even they are access the Redis directly as the Redis data store is encrypted.

Bottom Line
Even sensitive products that lack of basic security measurements, can be brought to enterprise level with the right design in mind.

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan


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