Jan 16, 2015

Offloading SSL using AWS ELB

If you are using AWS elastic load balancer to scale your system, you may find that it is a good solution to offload SSL termination from your servers.

Why Should You Offload SSL Termination?
HTTPS is an encrypted protocol, and encryption required high CPU utilization to perform the needed mathematical computations.
Since most web applications are CPU bounded, you should avoid processing SSL at your servers.

Why AWS Elastic Load Balancer (or Any other LB) Is a Great Candidate?
In order to perform load balancing, the load balancer must decrypt the traffic and read its content. This is done by placing your certificate on the load balancer.
If you consider the network between your LB and your servers to be secure, you should prefer to avoid re-encryption of the traffic, and keep it clear.

How Can I Make Sure Traffic is Actually Secured?
In some cases, you want all your users to use HTTPS as an encrypted channel in order to keep your users privacy and avoid eavesdropping and injections.
In these cases you want to catch traffic that did not use HTTPS before being terminated in the LB and redirect it to HTTPS. This can be done by evaluating by the X-Forwarded-Proto server field in your .htaccess or Apache configuration:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https [NC]

RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Bottom Line
A careful design can help you get more out of your web servers

Keep Performing,
Moshe Kaplan


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