Dec 3, 2022

Monitoring Dashboard Principles for AWS Serverless System

A monitoring dashboard for a serverless system would typically include information about the health and performance of the system, such as the number of requests being handled, the average response time, and any errors or issues that are occurring. The specific metrics and information included on a monitoring dashboard can vary depending on the specific system and the needs of the users. Some common metrics that might be included on a monitoring dashboard for a serverless system include:

  1. Request count: The number of requests being handled by the system.
  2. Error rate: The percentage of requests that are resulting in errors.
  3. Latency: The average time it takes for a request to be processed.
  4. CPU and memory usage: The amount of CPU and memory resources being used by the system.
  5. Throughput: The amount of data being processed by the system.
  6. Scalability: Information about how the system is scaling up or down in response to changes in workload.

These are just some examples of the types of information that might be included on a monitoring dashboard for a serverless system. The exact metrics and information displayed on the dashboard will depend on the specific needs of the system and the users. 

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